"American Beauty" Pedicure Lounge & Massage Chair

You will enjoy our new luxury pedicure chair. It provides endless options of massage on your back and shoulders, and give pure luxury to your feet. The Home of Your Beauty secret guide to your summer-ready feet. I would like to bring the new high-level sophistication to your health and beauty world.

  1. Soaking your feet is a relaxation heaven. Soaking in magnesium salt warm water with our signature essential oil blend has been shown to markedly improve skin hydration, speed healing effective for stress relief, great for achy muscles and joints, therapeutic for any sensitive condition.
  2. Pink Himalayan Salt and organic hemp oil scrub removes all dead cells, dry skin and toxins. Helps to improve circulation, strengthen bones mineral & energy rich mixed with our signature essential oils blend.
  3. Raw Sheabutter, cocoa & coconut butter whipped cream give your feet an instant moisture, help to heal cracked skin and protect from “all those heels” with our therapist’s amazing unforgettable experience massage.

By Beatrix Weiland
16 April 2015


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